Our beloved God of Thunder is peacefully retired but his retirement is interrupted by Gorr The God Butcher who vows to kill all the Gods.
Thor yet again embarks upon a harrowing cosmic adventure to stop him before it’s too late.

Lo and Behold!! The weather report for this weekend is absolutely electrifying. Its is rainy with a 100% chance of THUNDER. Thor Love and Thunder is a blast!!!
Taika Watiti is a genius. How he handles humor, emotions and just pure bad-assery seemingly in the same moment is always a sight to behold.
The movie starts off with the introduction of Gorr and his suffering. It’s been a long time since an MCU movie opened like that. It was just perfect.

The soundtrack was without a doubt the strongest aspect of the film. If Ragnarok was a love letter to Led Zapplin this one was to Guns n Roses. It settles into its story and becomes a romantic comedy. The humor begins to hit, the action picks up, and the film clicks. Taika manages to raise the stakes for these characters and elevates the relationship between Thor and Jane. Not only do we see the present, but we get shades of the past and see why their relationship turned into what it is today.

Jane is a much better character here compared to The Dark World. The two actors have great chemistry when together, but Jane by herself is bad ass enough. Her transition is explained well, and the story behind that worked. Gorr’s backstory is solid, and Bale’s performance is awesome. That being said, we needed more Gorr.

Every single scene is incredible, but there isn’t nearly enough. Love and Thunder is full of a few impressive set pieces and action scenes. The black and white fight scene is by far the best part of the film, as it showcases what each hero can do and does it in style. Visually, other than a few green screen-heavy shots, it looks fantastic.

Taika’s humor isn’t for everyone and if you love that then this one would be a classic Thor adventure ride for you in theatres!!! Thor Love and Thunder is a solid entry to the MCU saga which is opening up haphazardly in its Phase 4!

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Movie Review by Saurav Mahind