Nissim, A sous chef in a 5 star hotel is offered an opportunity to move to Paris as an executive chef, but nissim is baffled between choices.

Every meeting is the beginning of the end. Do you think so? Nissim is a sous chef in a 5 star hotel along with Gowri, his boss and Prajakta, his colleague. Nissim seems quite sorted but it all changes when he is offered an opportunity to move to Paris as an executive chef. The analysis of couples around him baffles Nissim to choose from either Gowri or Prajakta, the two potent choices he has. A mutual attraction with one and friendship with another leads him to be uncertain about his choices, both in his professional and personal life.

Medium Spicy, as the name suggests is a film filled with relationships of all flavours sweet, spicy, sour and many more. An Aesthetically pleasing movie setting itself apart from the action packed movies recently released. Giving the audience a chance to taste something different other than what is just being served bluntly.

Directed by Mohit Takalkar, Penned by Irawati Karnik and perfectly executed by Lalit Prabhakar as Nissim, Sai Tamhankar As Gowri and Parna Pethe As Prajakta.

It will be difficult for you to tell that this film is the director’s marathi debut after working as a successful theater director. Directing over 35 plays in the span of 25 years and in various languages.

The cinematography of the film is so aesthetic, it’ll make you fall in love, along with its aesthetically embedded songs to give you the feel of serenity. The film shows that the roads less travelled or neglected by us due to a feeling of uncertainty can often lead us to beautiful and unexpected destinations.

P.S. Do the Roads less travelled still make you curious as they made you as a kid?

Review by Siddharth Jetithor